07730 486600 

The Freer Body Studio   Body Control Pilates Works for Everybody 


Who Is Pilates For? 

First time exercisers looking for a gentle route into fitness without fear of tempting injury. 
Osteoporosis / Osteopenia sufferers. 
Arthritis sufferers 
Those who are feeling the physical signs of a sedentary or static lifestyle. If you spend hours sitting at your desk; driving a vehicle; standing whilst administering treatments; bending over to lift heavy objects: Office workers; drivers; hairdressers; dentists; teachers; carers… 

If You Suffer From: 

Non-specific lower back pain, resulting from poor posture 
Neck ache and pain between the shoulder blades after time spent at 
the computer or driving the car 
Tightness at the hips after long periods of sitting 
Mums to Be and new Mums looking for a safe form of staying mobile 
tailored to adapt to supporting a changing physique 

Sportsmen & Women: 

Tennis players 
Horse riders 
Rugby Players 

The Freer Body Studio   The Benefits of Pilates 

How Pilates Can Help Strength, Flexibility, Circulation and Recovery From Injury 
Pilates for young and old people to improve strength

Pilates To Improve Strength 

Targeting deep core abdominal muscles that help to support the spine. By integrating resistance work we develop longer, leaner and stronger muscle tone throughout the body both at core, postural level and into the muscles that move us. 
the benefits of pilates

Pilates To Improve Flexibility 

By focussing on good alignment throughout the body, our joints can articulate more freely reducing stiffness and improving muscle activity. Designated mobilising exercises specific to the hips, ankles, wrists and neck provide greater freedom of movement with greatly reduced discomfort. Articulation of the spine under the control of the deep abdominals will benefit every day activities such as walking, turning and carrying. It will also improve sporting performance. 
Pilates can help better circulation

Pilates For Better Circulation 

With a well aligned body, more mobile joints, good muscle recruitment patterns and by using efficient breathing patterns our circulatory system can function more effectively. 
Body pilates can also improve balance and coordination 
Pilates helps recovery from injury

Pilates For Recovery From Injury 

Focus is on good alignment, encouraging joints to work through a safe and effective range. This ensures that joint stabilisers are better able to provide well needed support. Combined with active recruitment of the deep abdominals (often referred to as “the Core”) a strong and stable frame is found in the body. Small, slow and controlled movements are repeated with gradual increase in challenge and complexity introduced when appropriate. To enhance aerobic / sports performance and avoid injury. 
Feel better! More energy, have a greater sense of well-being, feel vital! 
Pilates will help improve core control and stability, taking the load away from dominant superficial mobilising muscles, providing improved support for the spine. 
We prefer small classes and also offer 1:1’s and Duets (1:2) 
Studio Address: 22 Midland Court, Station Approach, Oakham, LE15 6RA 
Telephone number: 07730 486600 
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